The Solitude of Joshua Tree

The vast tranquility fo the desert always alters my perspective and sheds whatever may be on my mind. Something about the endless space lightens one’s load and sense of self. Remembering this in my bones, I knew there was only one place I wanted to begin 2020, the wide open skies of Joshua Tree. The solitude of this venerable desert sea is the ideal backdrop for a vision untold. The transformative knowledge of the stone people along with some of the most resilient plant life on earth, not least the resident grandfather stand unencumbered by noise or fray. The prismatic rainbow sky ever present after a supreme day of sun, the dream like thoughts run through one’s mind like a gazelle in the Serengeti, bringing awareness of a much larger reality than may be prevalent in one’s normal daily life. The stillness of this place elicits the clarity of mind to sharpen as the sense of self diminishes and the the sense of all increases. One can feel the abundant sea life of an era gone by just as a warm desert wind lightly saunters by….a place where the ancestors come alive and may speak through the stones, providing a doorway to your past and an unveiling of your future. My Brother Z, I think of our journey here in days gone past and toast you my friend from the top of Ryan Mountain I see your smile and feel your laugh and know that you are, here in this desert, oh so vast.