
Dan Horton

Seeker, searcher, traveler, adventurer, actor, writer…

embracing the journey.



Adventure and spiritual growth are the foundations by which Dan Horton walks. Connecting with Mother Earth and all her creations is the foundation that anchors the life that Dan lives. He feels that the living in symbiosis with nature is the way to flowing in harmony with the rhythm of Universe. Mr. Horton has spent many moments hiking, meditating and visioning, listening for messages that seek to be heard. Through finding his own medicine he has discovered that it his calling to help others do the same. Living an authentic life and revealing one’s inherent gifts is at the core of Dan’s mission and purpose here and now.


Inside Grinnell Glacier.jpg

Life is in the moment. The adventure begins now.

- dan horton

The inner child within must be cultivated to allow this inner guidance system to gain. Wisdom and insight… He knows the right choice in any given moment, for it is not a choice but a pull that is connected to the soul in its moment of creation.  Listen to this child dear one, for he shall lead you to where you truly want to be here.